Feeding Fulfilment: The Mind-Body Connection Part 1

This was the second Nu-Lax wrapper I’d found desperately shoved into the side of the pantry like the chocolate wrappers and empty chip packets crammed into the door of her car and handbag. That handbag was literally bursting at the seams, a poignant metaphor for the way she treated her body and lugged it around. Overstuffed. Overtired. Overwhelmed. A telltale sign of truth bubbling below the surface ready to erupt. A secret fear of being unloved and alone saw her tighten her…

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Amplifying Awareness: The power of a playlist

Since childhood I’ve held no doubt that our awareness influences the way we build our lives. Not our parents, our grades or some vague external influence. If my adolescence taught me anything it’s that a thoughtfully constructed playlist has the power to change your life. No exaggeration. Just ask the prized stack of CD wallets circa 1997 collecting dust in my cupboards, my High School Spotify playlist or the birthday card filled with photocopied signatures from the Southern Sons. My musically inclined father…

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Wholehearted Nutrition

A Conscious Easter: healthy recipes and creative ideas

I love Easter. The crisp, cozy autumn weather and the warm spiced scent of Easter treats baking away. And of course, my little guy was born on Easter Sunday on his birth year, so it holds extra special sentiment. While I love a celebration, I can’t help but feel Grinch-like as I buy Matchbox cars and board books for B’s first real Easter hunt. Good thing he adores them equally. There was an internal shift for me a while ago driven by the…

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Flourishing Food

Flourishing Food: Wholegrain Maple and Goji Granola

Hola beauties! How are you?! I’ve been keen to get back into this space for a while. At the moment I’m working away on the revival of an idea I shelved a while ago. Its spark still smoulders so I’m giving it the energy it deserves. More on that to come. For now I want to create some wellness DIYs, tips and recipes to add to the blog.  Also I’m going to reinstate the social media Sweet Sunday Share. For those of…

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Wholehearted Nutrition

On Conscious Cravings and why food isn’t the enemy.

You’ve been lied to. There’s a misleading belief paradigm that runs rampant in the food industry. It peeks at you through profit-driven food advertising. It sneaks its way in through the backdoor while you’re distracted reading the nutrition panel on your yoghurt tub. It has a fancy name, to make it sound more solid. Nutritionism is a concept based in the belief that only the scientifically identified components in a food, are what gives any value to the food itself.…

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Wholehearted Nutrition

21 quotes on food, nature and true nourishment

The healing potential of food is what originally drew me to study nutrition at university. Although the nutrition principles that I believe and practice are worlds apart from the staunch industry-led science force fed to students, I still marvel in child-like wonder at the nature of it. Miraculous I think, of how the compounds in an apple can clear toxins and how pectin, a naturally occurring fibre, can sweep heavy metals from the body. I’m endlessly fascinated by the shapes found in nature…

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Conscious Conversations

Self Love is the Drug

Self love has its own hashtag. It’s trending on Instagram, Facebook groups are built and green juices are sipped in it’s honour. It’s a movement per se. I like social media for the most part and I’m a fan of green juice but I can’t help feeling we’ve kind of missed the entire point. By Google’s definition self love is having regard for your own happiness and well-being. Isn’t it kind of a no-brainer that we have regard for our own…

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Things I love

Tony Robbins: ‘I am Not Your Guru’ Review

Tony Robbins, I want to bear hug the guy. A man who moves millions and is a pro at showing up and doing the work. I watched I am not your guru on Netflix last week, a behind-the-scenes look at Tony Robbins Date with Destiny seminar, and was spellbound. His ability coupled with the sheer vulnerability of the participants made for a truly insightful peek into human nature. Tony Robbins is testament to the fact that telling your story gives other…

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Wholehearted Nutrition

Weight loss – an intuitive beginners guide

Weight loss is a numbers game and approximately two-thirds of Australian adults are playing. $613.5 billion is the number of dollars we’re expected shell out on weight loss services and food products; shakes, pills, and drinks this year. Yes, billion. $8.5 billion is the number of dollars we spent on gym memberships, fitness related products and fitness fads last year. 54% of gym members allow their memberships to lapse between 12-18 months of joining which means that 4.25 of that $8.5…

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Fitness and Nutrition on social media

Fitness Inspiration has learnt its own hashtag – #fitspo and Nutrition comes in a million different packages.  I wanted to share this really quickly because social media and the trending #fitspo hashtag feed the illusion that the answers to what you should eat to feel and be well are ‘out there’.  Let me remind you, they’re not. My Nutrition Philosophy Eat anything you want. Eat as much as you want, as long as you make it yourself. I love good food…

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Conscious Conversations

Crystal + Mineral Magic | Rachel Crethar of Rock & Co

Crystals – I’ve been drawn to them since I was little. Always picking up stones and holding  them up to the light peering around for a twinkle. My first crystal was  a Lapis Lazuli. I was 19, dawdling around Spellbox in Melbourne’s Royal Arcade. A glittering tray of gems caught my eye at the counter and I wandered over to them. Lapis Lazuli, a stone said to be in alignment with my Sagittarius star sun, caught my eye. I tucked it into…

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