A blog break & a baby!

There is a special kind of sweetness in surrender and a subtle kind of magic in each moment.

Release what holds you back.

Burn the bridges that bind you to limited thinking.

Those who appear to have it all generally do, not because they want it any more than you, but because they leverage themselves by living in line with the dream. So walk, talk, eat and sleep like everything you wish for is everything you already have and watch the magic unfold. It’s there, twinkling at you in each moment. 

To be in flow with life, to be present, and to scoop up what it ushers in, surrender is where it’s at.

As much as I’ve missed being in this space, writing and connecting I’ve thoroughly enjoyed a little hiatus. There is something freeing, almost luxurious, about retreating from the online world.

Stepping back from social media has been therapeutic. Many insights have been gleaned and will be rolled into a blog post for later. If you’re the kind who can’t roll out of bed without scrolling through your newsfeed, keep your eyes peeled.

While there are many a blog post itching to be published, and I have many things I’m busting to share, this post is simple and sweet to catch you up 😉

Baby Taylor

The Bohdi Bump

The Bohdi Bump

Firstly, and with absolute elation, my husband and I welcomed our little baby Taylor earth side. Bohdi Flynn joined us on Easter Sunday, along with the full moon and the huge Easter surf, much to my husband’s delight. 2 weeks early, but right on time.

This little peach is by far our biggest teacher. We’re shedding our skins, surrendering to the present moment, constantly learning, spiritually evolving and stepping into our new roles/selves with glee….and fuelled by a lot of coffee.

We opted for midwifery care only and were blessed with the most epic of midwives in all the lands throughout the pregnancy and birth and the entire experience was all we dreamed of.

Magical. Empowering. Primal. The best thing ever. Blessed beyond words. 

Moment by moment. Be here now.

via @theseventhduchess

via @theseventhduchess

I’ve sat down to blog around, oh say 7474473 times. Baby on lap. Baby on shoulder. Rocking baby in swing. Listening to white noise.

These writing sessions almost always ended with me writing a handful of post intros and logging off. I berated myself for not publishing anything new. Scolded myself for forgetting to post on social media. When I really got down to it, I wasn’t trying to publish a post or update a status for the sheer love of it as much as the pretence of keeping up with everything while I adjusted to mama hood.

The shift in priorities is monumental.

Exhilarating. Exhausting. Rewarding. Beautiful expansion.Wouldn’t swap it for a thing amazing.

Peeking into social media from the sidelines watching what everybody else was doing secured me a seat on the comparison carousel. I felt my yardstick change and I began measuring my worth against how much I could get done in a day.

I flipped open a book during a feeding session and was greeted with this:

”We think that if we slow down that the dream machine will come to a stop. Or if we stop working so damn hard, we’ll have to do without. Or if we stop “processing so much” we won’t get the deep love we crave.” ~ Danielle La Porte

Hallelujah. It dawned on me. Through this new phase I needed to be as gentle with myself as I am with my babe. Chartering new terrain with broken sleep and a baby is now atop my list. Easing up on myself and being realistic with my expectations was the kindest thing I could do for myself and my sanity.

And ya know what?

The Facebook tribe grew organically. Thankyou. Posts were shared. Blog traffic continued to climb in the right direction.

Again, deep gratitude soaked bow.


[Tweet “Simplifying what you put out doesn’t mean you have to expect less in return. Ease up on yourself, but don’t shrink your dreams.” ~ Danielle La Porte”]

Allow yourself to move the goal posts. Tweak things where you need to. Let it be easy.

[Tweet “Easing up on yourself is a form of self-love. “]

Here’s to grace and simplicity.


What is it you need to ease up on? Pop it in the comments.x

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  • Reply raagara November 9, 2015 at 8:31 pm

    Nice read! Hope your baby is doing fine. Must be about 3 months now.

  • Reply Plaidfuzz October 19, 2015 at 8:37 am

    Congratulations! Sometimes I really crave a social media break.

  • Reply kellyharrold October 19, 2015 at 8:14 am


  • Reply mandi October 19, 2015 at 8:11 am

    What a lovely and true posts. So many congratulations on the baby. Babies bring new life in so many ways.

  • Reply Lily | Beholder August 18, 2015 at 10:34 am

    I put so much pressure on myself to keep up with things when Eli was born and it definitely didn’t do anybody any good! So I agree with you 100 per cent! I hope mamahood is treating you well lovely lady xx

    • Reply Cynthia August 18, 2015 at 12:28 pm

      So glad somebody agrees 😉 The expectations we place on ourselves are insane. That aside, it’s a big loud, energetic barrel of fun. Loving it. Big love to you and your little man.xx

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