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Fitness and Nutrition on social media

Fitness Inspiration has learnt its own hashtag – #fitspo and Nutrition comes in a million different packages.  I wanted to share this really quickly because social media and the trending #fitspo hashtag feed the illusion that the answers to what you should eat to feel and be well are ‘out there’.  Let me remind you, they’re not. My Nutrition Philosophy Eat anything you want. Eat as much as you want, as long as you make it yourself. I love good food…

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50 reasons to go LOCO for COCONUT OIL!

My first encounter with this Queen of fruits was on a trip to Dunk Island in my early 20’s. These jumbo young coconuts would fall from the palm trees outside our room and we’d decided to crack them open using the corner of our bathroom bench top + a lot of elbow grease. #coconutfail I now leave the CRACKING OF THE COCONUTS to my husband, who is much safer with a large knife than I am. Coconut oil basks in the…

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