I love Easter. The crisp, cozy autumn weather and the warm spiced scent of Easter treats baking away. And of course, my little guy was born on Easter Sunday on his birth year, so it holds extra special sentiment. While I love a celebration, I can’t help but feel Grinch-like as I buy Matchbox cars and board books for B’s first real Easter hunt. Good thing he adores them equally. There was an internal shift for me a while ago driven by the…
You’ve been lied to. There’s a misleading belief paradigm that runs rampant in the food industry. It peeks at you through profit-driven food advertising. It sneaks its way in through the backdoor while you’re distracted reading the nutrition panel on your yoghurt tub. It has a fancy name, to make it sound more solid. Nutritionism is a concept based in the belief that only the scientifically identified components in a food, are what gives any value to the food itself.…
The healing potential of food is what originally drew me to study nutrition at university. Although the nutrition principles that I believe and practice are worlds apart from the staunch industry-led science force fed to students, I still marvel in child-like wonder at the nature of it. Miraculous I think, of how the compounds in an apple can clear toxins and how pectin, a naturally occurring fibre, can sweep heavy metals from the body. I’m endlessly fascinated by the shapes found in nature…
Weight loss is a numbers game and approximately two-thirds of Australian adults are playing. $613.5 billion is the number of dollars we’re expected shell out on weight loss services and food products; shakes, pills, and drinks this year. Yes, billion. $8.5 billion is the number of dollars we spent on gym memberships, fitness related products and fitness fads last year. 54% of gym members allow their memberships to lapse between 12-18 months of joining which means that 4.25 of that $8.5…
If you’ve read About Me you’ll know that whole-heartedness and authenticity are the most used tools in my arsenal. Showing up truthfully with the beautifully held belief that you are worthy of what you want is powerful beyond measure. And on the flip side, if you’re walking around with your head in a constant cloud of anxiety, then you my gorgeous friend, will get in your own way. What do I mean by getting in your own way? You’ll stop the delicious…