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A is for Adventure

ADVENTURE is my glittering, guiding word for sweet 2016. ADVENTURE. I love it. Really, really love it. I love that I didn’t have to ponder it. I love that she just leapt right out and excitedly declared: Adventure Awaits. It feels right. Like an overzealous puppy she literally tugs at my sleeves, c’mon c’mon! Imagine this! Oh, and this! And we should read that! Let’s go here! And let’s make one of these! Everything is energy, and the energy of…

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Things I love

Love & Links for a Happy Weekend.

Oh it’s been a hot, summery and stormy kind of week. A goodie, chock full of exercise on the deck, hanging out in the veggie garden and water play with B boy. Our front yard is almost complete – yay! Think 3 tiered merbau boardwalk lined with incredibly beautiful and lush palms, birds of paradise, cacti vibrantly lilting toward the sun in their pots, hidden pathways and our glowing mango front door. My husband, a super-talented industrial designer-turned landscape and construction…

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Quotes: 20 beauty-soaked quotes by men

An ode to men of words, this little collection houses quotes by some awesome male poets, film makers, spiritual teachers, authors, timeless movie characters and all round inspiring guys. So, let’s dub this the yang version and kick it off with my most loved Wayne Dyer wisdom 😉 ”Everything you’re against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you.”  ~Wayne Dyer An excerpt from one of my husbands favourites: ”We’ve been led into a culture that has been engineered to…

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Things I love

Love & Links: weblinks for a happy weekend

A fresh round-up of web links for your weekend is ready. This week was a beauty. You could say on an ethereal level it was chock full of symbols and sweet little nudges. Lovely emails + online comments from like-minded peeps reaching out to say ‘Hey, love what you’re putting out in the world’. Heart-swell! A long and richly fulfilling soul chat. A few moments of self-doubt followed by crystalline clarity. A tonne of exercise (hello Kayla Itsines pre-training!). Kombucha making…

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Flourishing Food

A clean brownie bar for glowing skin

Popping in here quickly this morning to share a quick recipe favourite for my fellow clean eaters. I happily receive quite a few questions about training and eating so I’ll be sharing more of a peek into my exercise and nutrition with you. But first, a super nourishing, omega loaded CLEAN BROWNIE BAR RECIPE FOR GLOWING SKIN. This bar is bursting with omega 3 & 6 promoting soft, supple skin while reducing inflammation. Chia seeds give a nice anti-ox boost…

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A blog break & a baby!

There is a special kind of sweetness in surrender and a subtle kind of magic in each moment. Release what holds you back. Burn the bridges that bind you to limited thinking. Those who appear to have it all generally do, not because they want it any more than you, but because they leverage themselves by living in line with the dream. So walk, talk, eat and sleep like everything you wish for is everything you already have and watch the…

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29 quotes to shift your mindset

If you’ve been hanging round here for a while, you know that I wholeheartedly, absolutely and unabashedly  believe that words wield power. Nestled at their core is the potency to turn friendships sour, give rise to periods of unrest, start wars, propose forevers, shower kindness, spark revolutions and influence human nature. We all crave connection. It runs through our veins and reminds us that we belong to something bigger than ourselves.  When we wander off track or get swept off course,…

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Feeding Fulfilment: Eating Emotions.

You are an energetic being made of the same stuff of the stars. You are nature, personified. Each one of us is born with an infinite amount of potential. We trust our instincts long before we trust anything or anyone else. We rely on the intrinsic nature of our intuition before we develop our senses. We know what we need. We know when we need it and we demand that we get it. Simple, no? As we grow we develop relationships, branch…

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Start with Heart: revolutionising goal setting.

I was going to kick this post off with a confession – ‘I didn’t set any goals or new year resolutions.’ I did think about it long and hard. Actually, I spent so long thinking about it that it become kind of a bore. It began to feel like something that is done out of expectation rather than a true pull to create something for your own greater good. Here’s the clincher; I made some pretty radical changes in 2014, I closed slammed a…

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Feeding Fulfilment: The Mind-Body Connection Part 1

This was the second Nu-Lax wrapper I’d found desperately shoved into the side of the pantry like the chocolate wrappers and empty chip packets crammed into the door of her car and handbag. That handbag was literally bursting at the seams, a poignant metaphor for the way she treated her body and lugged it around. Overstuffed. Overtired. Overwhelmed. A telltale sign of truth bubbling below the surface ready to erupt. A secret fear of being unloved and alone saw her tighten her…

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