These 4 rapid fire flourish interviews are my answers based on 10 questions from each of the following bloggers who nominated Flourish Wellness for the Leibster Award.
Holding a deep bow of gratitude for these bright sparks:
Kylie is a personal trainer + wellness coach with soul. She guides women to build fit, happy, healthy bodies with a holistic approach.
What’s your signature dish?
I can do a killer Mexican Chilli Con Carne and Moroccan dishes with spice are my specialty.
If you had a dinner party, what 5 guests, dead or alive would you invite?
My mum, Danielle La Porte, Rachel MacDonald, Rumi, Cheryl Strayed and Marianne Williamson
What’s been your biggest life lesson so far?
That the times you feel stuck are usually gearing you up for something out-of-this-world amazing.
What’s your favourite season and why?
Spring – everything comes into full bloom.
What quote or mantra do you live by at the moment?
Everything plays to your greater good.
What’s your favourite smoothie recipe?
Almond, Banana, Cacao + Kale Smoothie.
1 cup rice milk | 1 handful of ice cubes | 1 small handful raw almonds | 1 small banana | 2 kale leaves (stems removed) | 1 tsp raw cacao powder | 1 tsp maca powder
Whizz in blender et voila.
If you could interview anyone in the world, who would it be?
Myself at age 7. I think listening to yourself at such a tiny age would be sweet and show us just how much more willing we are to believe in our infinite potential before we started worrying what others and society thought of us.
What is your favourite perfume scent and why?
Gardenia. Fresh and feminine.
What book has changed your life?
The Alchemist by Paul Cohelo.
How do you relax?
A mug of coffee and reading under the covers.
Lisa, a former interior designer, is a self-confessed colour addict and all round lovely chica. Go check out her site to grab your FREE colour meditation.
What is your favourite colour? (you knew that would top my list right?)
Yellow! You ever tried not smiling around a colour that happy? Impossible.
What’s the most significant thing that you’ve learnt about yourself on your blogging journey?
That despite my usually organised nature, structure makes me feel stifled. No diary or to-do lists for me thank you very much 😉
In the movie they make based on your life story, who would be the actor/actress they cast to play you?
As myself now – Gwyneth Paltrow. As an older me – Meryl Streep.
Where do you feel most at home?
Sitting at the table in my grandparent’s home chatting about everything. I grew up with them and each time I visit, the smells, sounds and tastes leave me nostalgic for my childhood.
What is one of the nicest things that your friends/loved ones say about you?
That I’m chilled out, nice to be around and thoughtful. The best compliment I’ve had is that I have a nice aura – can’t be beat!
If you were to write a children’s book what would the title be?
We are all made of stars. Like the Moby song, it sounds like a lullaby (and I think it’s true).
Of all the people you admire and look towards for inspiration, who would you love to spend a whole day with from wake-up to lights out?
Kris Carr.
What is the best piece of advice you ever followed?
To be the bigger person. My grandfather told me that when I was going through some hard times with my Dad + his then wife. Bigger doesn’t mean better, it means you have enough self-respect to look at people and situations that don’t serve you, rise above them and channel your good self into things that will nurture you.
What is one essential item you’d take to a desert island? (food and water are already provided thanks to mother nature).
My library. Must.Have.Books.
If you could come back in the next life as an animal what would you choose?
A bird so I could rise up and see just how vast this gorgeous world is.
Megan is the sweetheart behind Show Me Your Diamond, using her personal experiences and lessons to guide women in dropping addictions and chasing down their dreams.x
What inspired you to start blogging?
I think and read constantly and the thousands of ideas and thoughts in my head give birth to more and more ideas so I needed a place to keep them all. Also, to inspire.
How do you get your creative juices flowing?
A good meditation with rose quartz (on my forehead). Chet Faker + Jeff Buckley in the background and a mug of warm lemon water.
If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
NYC. The museums, architecture, vibe, culture – everything! There’s an awesome website called One Fine Stay and it matches you with houses you can stay in on your holiday while the owners are away.
It’s where you’ll find me when procrastination strikes.
What is one thing you really want to do but haven’t gotten around to?
Study herbal medicine.
What are you most grateful for?
My intuition. She rocks.
What is your favourite self care routine?
Either a bath with a splash of essential oils or a caffeine/coconut oil scrub in the shower followed by a strong coffee and diving into my latest read.
Sand or snow?
All-time favourite book?
The Fire Starter Sessions – Danielle La Porte
If you were an ice-cream what flavour would you be?
Coconut coated in chocolate.
What really makes your diamond shine?
Inspiring and teaching other women. Leading and lighting the path for others makes me feel most connected to universal love and reminds me that there is enough for everyone.
Inga is the big-hearted babe who devotes her time to speaking up for animals who don’t have a voice. Her sheer passion + love is enough to bring any animal lover to tears. Endless respect for Inga and her cause.x
Why did you start blogging?
I’ve been following blogs for a long time and I could see the sisterhood between bloggers, the light they were shining and the way they inspired me sparked the passion in me to do the same. Also, I’m always churning out ideas, theories and philosophies so it’s nice little place to house my thoughts.
What are you most passionate about in life?
Teaching women that their relationships with themselves is the most important one they’ll ever have. That, and that how they treat themselves sets the standard for how others treat them.
Who has been the most inspiring person in your life?
My mother.
What do you miss most about being a child?
Being more present and grateful for the littlest things.
What is one piece of advice, you would tell your 16 year old self?
Don’t waste your time trying to impress people who are committed to misunderstanding you.
If you could be an animal for a day, what would you choose?
A bird.
If you could meet one person in the world who would it be and why?
Meryl Streep. She’s wise, gentle and glowingly comfortable in her own skin. Okay, I want to be Meryl Streep when I grow up.
What is your favourite quote or mantra?
That which does not make you come alive is too small for you. David Whyte, poet.
What is your favourite memory of all time?
Digging around the vegetable patch as a little one with my grandfather and then sitting in the shade shelling fresh peas. I also adored watching my grandmother make pasta from scratch.
What routine/ritual/activity makes you the happiest, healthiest and best version of your true self?
Quietness, reading, writing, having my fave tunes floating in the background, burning nag champa incense, meditating + exercising.
Nice work babe! Love your answers to ALL of these great questions! Ha we have alot in common.. LOVE Jeff Buckley and the colour yellow and wish I could fly like a bird xx
Thank you honey. Oh Jeff….hallelujah indeed 😉 xx
Great get to know you questions, it’s funny how similar some of our are… thanks for the sweet words, maybe in your next life you will be a bird! 😉 x Inga
I was thinking that same thing while answering….we’re all in sync 😉 xx